Sunday 18 January 2015

Hi welcome to my blog Healing Wiith A Sparkle

I hope your all very well today, if some of you are not very well maybe I can help you a bit along the way.
I have been studying Raiki and healing with Gemstones/Crystals for a very long time...Now is the time, I have to share my healing with you, it would be selfish not to. When I have set everything up on my blog,I will help you with your problems and worries through healing. Even if you do not believe...a lot won't, but it still works for you anyway. That is the way of the Divine your God or the Universe whatever you want to call it, because you will always have unconditional love from it.

Do you know you can send people healing as if you were on wi-fi, it actually is sent from person to person, through the 'Healer' me, to the person needing the healing you. I have seen it firsthand, and believe me it works even if you don't believe it will.
In January and Febuary people feel depressed and worried over little things that wouldn't bother other people. But we are not all the same are we?

Our birthsign is unique to each one of us, and so is our fingerprint and so is our Aura...if you are out of sorts, your 'Aura' will be affected and so will your chakra's the spinning meridens that help control who we are, in a very good way. When we are not balanced, that's when things start to go wrong, we get ill, we can get very poorly if we are not balanced. Some people do Yoga to keep themselves  'tuned' and everything inline so to speak.

Over the coming weeks and it will be on-going, I will be bringing you something fantastic to help balance your bodies. I make jewellery out of Gemstones, some are so very beautiful, you may wish to just keep it with you and look at it from time to time. The best way for a crystal or stone to work is to wear it. I will explain how each different Stone or crystal can help you.

This bit is very important...when choosing a pendant, a necklace, a pair of earings whatever piece you are drawn to or like, or if you can't make up your mind, but you keep landing on the same piece of jewellery that is the one you need for your problem. Some gemstones are made for just holding and running your fingers over, I will have some of those soon too. Because some men don't like to wear jewellery, it's good for them to have a gemstone to keep in their pocket so it is with them all the time. You need to keep it with you for it to resonate with your vibrations, then it can do it's work.

What you need to do also is decide what you want help with? If I don't have the correct Gemstone or crystal to hand I can find one that will work for you.
Well that's all for today keep popping back to see what liitle sparkly treasures I have made for you.

thank you for reading speak to you soon

Love and light to you all

Take a look at LoveBlingJewellery.
(the link works now sorry about that)

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